20 June 2012

The clouds are different down under

In this episode of the Uhuru podcast show Pabich Pawel, a Senior Consultant at Readify, talks about his experiences helping companies in Australia bring their web applications to the cloud. Unfortunately, the dearth of local cloud computing services often means that Australian companies have to put up with barely tolerable latencies accessing off-shore clouds. The closest Azure hosting service is in Singapore. It also doesn’t help that many of the services Pabich’s customers want, like Microsoft’s MSMQ, aren’t even available on the cloud (just try and find MSMQ on Azure).
In other respects, migrating to the cloud is no different for Australian IT professionals than anyone else. Moving to virtualized environments on the cloud is always a good first step since you can easily move existing apps no matter how messy they are that way. As more and more apps are built to be cloud friendly the Platform as a Service offerings (PaaS) become more practical. Pabich likes using AppHarbor for his personal projects. The Git integration on AppHarbor is a big plu
You can find Pabich’s blog here:

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